Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wingardium Leviosa.

Yes, this is my favorite spell. And I'm using it on one of my favorite friends.
Riyasha the laddoo. She's round and she's fun and she's awesome. I first spoke to her in this particular badminton class where she was desperately trying to come up with uses of coal and petroleum. I was so bored that I made a sincere effort to remember. I had a good laugh in that class, btw. 

Since then, me and Laddoo, (Yes, that's what I intend to call her, starting today), have been great Facebook friends. We liked each other's pictures, and commented on each other's statuses. But because of this one person I'm quite fond of and she absolutely hates, I could never really get myself to warm up to her. 
When she sent me a "Hi" on chat one day, I realized that all this while I had wanted to talk to her. Clear out stuff and maybe, earn a new friend. When I understood her reasons and she got acquainted with mine, I knew that she is one person i'd never regret befriending.
We love the same books and same movies, and are so alike that its kind of creepy, and knowing all that she's been subjected to, I could do nothing but salute her out of respect. I don't know what I'd do in such a situation. 

I think people are absolutely tired of all the status updates they've been suffering from, in their Newsfeed, by me and Laddoo. Sorry folks. Not really. :P

But here is the truth, ever since I have met Laddoo, I have always wanted to fly. Fly? Like, Whaaa?
But yes. I want to fly because she's taught me that impressions should be made, not taken. I want to fly because Laddoo has taught me not to reply in kind to repulsive comments. She has shown me how its like to be admired and loved, and has never felt hesitant to shower me with compliments I don't deserve. When she dedicated her first blog post to me, I was touched beyond measure. So I started a new blog, just for her, so that I can return the honor of dedicating the first post to her.

She's my Wingardium Leviosa. She's made me fly and feel what its like to taste the higher levels of friendship.

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