Friday, May 2, 2014


Do you know who Narcissus was?
Narcissus was a really beautiful boy. Like, beautiful, and also eternally young and childish. Over time, The Greek goddess Nemesis lured him in, and all his days were spent on the banks of the Greek Lake Lyn, where he used to gaze and admire his own reflection. Then, unable to leave the sanctuary of his reflection, He died over there and turned into a flower on the banks of the river. The flower, named after him, is called narcissus.

Rahul has been my classmate for over four years now. The future is a long way off, and we cannot really predict, but he has been present in almost every single fun incident that has been a part of my school life. Did I mention he's the cutest thing ever?
He's exactly like Narcissus in some ways. He still looks like a small, cute, 5th grade kid, extremely childish, and loves teasing people. He'll easily take on guys bigger than him in fights, and even though he loses most of the time, with a mischievous glint in his eye, he'll randomly go and offend some other guy, and the catch-me-hit-me begins again.

In fact, I know his so well, that when most people would be reading this and smiling, he'd be sitting behind the computer screen with his sister, with a frown on his forehead. My inbox is about to ping any minute with a message from him:
 " I am not a kid, and I don't lose all the time. I'm the best. "
I'm not the only one who finds him awesome. Almost all of my classmates love him and the little adorable things he does. 

"Man U ka goal hua, aur hum sofa phad diya! Mummy has rahi thi!"

<Man U scored a goal, and I tore the sofa into shreds! Mom was laughing>

We've made  little songs about him, and call him quite a few embarrassing nicknames, and he hates it. We ruffle his soft hair and pull his chubby little cheeks, make him our very own Harry Potter spectacle model. He'll never, EVER, admit it, but he sort of enjoys the attention.
I think I'm going to get another denial message in my Inbox any minute now.

He's the most hardworking person I've ever seen. Each and every homework and classwork is neatly complete, every answer in blue and question in black. He'll blink rapidly and ask questions in class, and stammers too, but that's all right: Winston Churchill also did. And he led his nation safely through World War 2.
I know he'll never have Narcissus's pride though. He's not the kind. And also, he has some wonderful fairies in his life who'd keep away the Nemesis goddesses away from him : His mother and his twin sister Tanvi.

<Who is one minute older to him and "foolishly" spends all her money on books. He's told us that so many times that in future I may forget my own name, but not this one fact. >

He'd probably disagree with Tanvi the fairy part. They fight like cats and dogs. But they still complete each other. All of Rahul's baby pictures (Aww) would look empty and and unfinished without Tanvi. He won't agree to that too. After all, he's the best, isn't he?

After all of this, the last thing I want to tell you people about him is that he really, badly, wants to grow up. He wants to be tall and strong and NOT cute, not have anyone call him "baby" or "kid" or worse, Super Cutie, even though I'll always call him that. 

One day, he will grow up, become this top shot engineer, and soon this little boy we all know, even though he's in Class 9 and of the same age, will build bigger and taller buildings than all those meanies who make fun of him and his height. I hope so.
He deserved being second in line for a biography, because I wish, that just with the same dedication Narcissus had towards his looks, Rahul has towards his dreams. 

I hope he never parts with them, and gives us a flower of lovely memories to be proud of in the end, when he leaves us all and steps into the world to show what he's made of. 

And yes, Rahul, I'm online. You can yell at me now.
Oh. How could I forget?
He says Hi :


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wingardium Leviosa.

Yes, this is my favorite spell. And I'm using it on one of my favorite friends.
Riyasha the laddoo. She's round and she's fun and she's awesome. I first spoke to her in this particular badminton class where she was desperately trying to come up with uses of coal and petroleum. I was so bored that I made a sincere effort to remember. I had a good laugh in that class, btw. 

Since then, me and Laddoo, (Yes, that's what I intend to call her, starting today), have been great Facebook friends. We liked each other's pictures, and commented on each other's statuses. But because of this one person I'm quite fond of and she absolutely hates, I could never really get myself to warm up to her. 
When she sent me a "Hi" on chat one day, I realized that all this while I had wanted to talk to her. Clear out stuff and maybe, earn a new friend. When I understood her reasons and she got acquainted with mine, I knew that she is one person i'd never regret befriending.
We love the same books and same movies, and are so alike that its kind of creepy, and knowing all that she's been subjected to, I could do nothing but salute her out of respect. I don't know what I'd do in such a situation. 

I think people are absolutely tired of all the status updates they've been suffering from, in their Newsfeed, by me and Laddoo. Sorry folks. Not really. :P

But here is the truth, ever since I have met Laddoo, I have always wanted to fly. Fly? Like, Whaaa?
But yes. I want to fly because she's taught me that impressions should be made, not taken. I want to fly because Laddoo has taught me not to reply in kind to repulsive comments. She has shown me how its like to be admired and loved, and has never felt hesitant to shower me with compliments I don't deserve. When she dedicated her first blog post to me, I was touched beyond measure. So I started a new blog, just for her, so that I can return the honor of dedicating the first post to her.

She's my Wingardium Leviosa. She's made me fly and feel what its like to taste the higher levels of friendship.